Last-minute lottery creates 'hot mess' for first-time D.C. homebuyers
Last-minute changes from the city confused first-time homebuyers who were expecting to qualify for assistance. Now, many of them are out of luck.
Last-minute changes from the city confused first-time homebuyers who were expecting to qualify for assistance. Now, many of them are out of luck.
D.C. Explained
The city’s power over its own affairs is imperiled by the incoming Trump administration. Here’s what you should know about the parameters of local control in D.C.
The U.S. House is D.C.'s last hope for a bastion of resistance in federal Washington.
Five write-in candidates have thrown their hat in the ring, but none have a realistic chance of ousting Trayon White.
Everything you were too afraid to ask about voting in the District.
Many of these residents have lived in Columbia Heights for decades. Their precarious situation shows just how hard it can be for longtime residents of D.C. to stay here.
Rounding up the weekly news from D.C.'s seat of government
D.C. Explained
Here’s everything you need to know about Initiative 83, appearing on your ballots this fall.
D.C. Explained
You have time, options, and legal recourse. And you’re more likely to get a better outcome if you’re well informed.
Between a potential expulsion of their colleague, an unpopular eviction bill, and "downtown revitalization," lawmakers are busy wrapping up their legislative loose ends before the session ends this fall.