Our Team

Local journalism is a public service. It takes a village to inform, report, and share vital local news.


As a worker-self-directed nonprofit, this core (part-time) team leads our democratic workplace.


We regularly collaborate with local freelancers. This is a non-exhaustive list of people we have worked with most recently.

Pitch a story

Communities of Learning

The 51st benefits from the expertise and generosity of our peers in these journalism and worker-led spaces.

Readers like you

Our reporting is community-centered, and member-supported.

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We couldn't do this without you — yes, YOU.

Nearly 1,000 people weighed in on our name. More than 3,500 people funded our launch. And now...

📨 More than 6,500 people subscribe to our newsletter.
💲 Approximately 1/6 of those subscribers are paid members, supporting free local news for all.
Photo showing many people gathered in a lit garden at dusk, looking toward the camera. A table with information about The 51st is visible in front of them.
Some of the community that makes The 51st happen, seen at our Oct. 9 launch party at Heurich House. (Abigail Higgins)